Philanthropy is about donating to charity without expecting a return. Companies have historically contributed to society in this way. Strategic philanthropy, which is a more modern approach, is about directing corporate giving to a cause that is aligned with the core business. Yet in the 21st century, strategic philanthropy does not suffice in providing leadership. There is a growing demand for companies to move beyond strategic philanthropy to modern community partnerships, co-creating solutions to pressing societal and environmental problems by contributing core competencies and truly aiming for impact. In the process, shared value creation for both society and the company is not only desirable for companies, but also to stakeholders.
The Communication on Progress (COP) policy is the central component of the UN Global Compact’s integrity measures. The policy establishes a mandatory reporting requirement for businesses to report annually on their progress in implementing the Ten Principles of the UNGC
Im Jahr 2006 bekommt Mohammed Yunus mit seiner Grameen Bank den Friedensnobelpreis für die Idee des Mikrokredites. Am Anfang wurde der Mikrokredit als entwicklungspolitisches Instrument gefeiert, mittlerweile wird er aber auch häufig sehr kritisch gesehen. Mittlerweile gibt es erste empirische Wirkungsuntersuchungen. Es ist also an der Zeit für eine Bilanz.
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Build brand distinction through strategic philanthropy. Through this article, find out how focused brand philanthropy can benefit your business and society. You will learn new ways to use corporate contributions to connect emotionally with stakeholders. At the same time, your corporate giving will help people in need.
We are witnessing an exciting global movement whereby philanthropists from both developed and emerging economies are using targeted and innovative approaches to address sustainable development. Today, strategic philanthropists are responsible for stimulating entrepreneurship and small business development in developing countries. These philanthropists are increasingly recognizing the importance of adopting a more business-like approach to philanthropy to maximize social and environmental returns of their philanthropic investments. Measuring impact is also a crucial component of successful philanthropy and has become more prominent globally. Evaluation helps to focus on results, ensures effective allocation of resources, and upholds accountability.
FSG, the nonprofit consulting firm which I help lead, has witnessed an amazing evolution in corporate philanthropy during the last 10 years. We have witnessed the unprecedented examination and gradual repurposing of corporate philanthropy. For anyone who cares about solving social problems, it has never been a better time to be part of the private sector.
What is the history and mission of the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy?
Charles Moore: In 1998, Paul Newman approached Peter L. Malkin about creating an organization that would encourage companies to commit greater resources to charitable investments. Malkin invited David Rockefeller, Paul Volcker, and John C. Whitehead to join him in this effort as Honorary Chairs, and CECP was born.
CECP was officially launched on November 18, 1999, at a press conference at Chase Manhattan Plaza. At this event, Paul Newman, John C. Whitehead, Peter L. Malkin, Walter Shipley, and other business leaders called upon companies to respond to the needs in their communities.
CECP has since grown to include more than 180 CEO members – representing more than 150 major corporations and approximately $10 billion in annual corporate giving.
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