The landscape of business and enterprise policy is subject to almost unparalleled change. An ever-increasing majority of corporate and institutional management boards find themselves operating in a networked world of interests and opportunities for influence. In addition to primary stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, suppliers, and employees, secondary and tertiary stakeholder groups are increasingly making regulatory, social, political, and ethical demands on businesses.
A broad distinction can be made between stakeholder dialogues that are geared toward consultation and those that focus more strongly on cooperation during implementation. In consultative stakeholder dialogues, actors contribute their expertise, viewpoints, and experience. Initiators of the stakeholder dialogue are usually responsible for the further use of recommendations and lessons learned. Consultative and cooperative forms of stakeholder dialogues subsume the following variants: more[...]
Als Howard R. Bowen 1953 über die „Responsibilities of a Businessman“ schrieb, war der Begriff des Stakeholders kaum bekannt und wurde von ihm auch nicht verwendet. Aber dass wirtschaftliches Handeln stets einen Rahmen von Verantwortlichkeiten aufspannt und der gesellschaftlichen Einbettung und Legitimation bedarf, war Bowen bereits klar. Mittlerweile hat sich das Bild komplett gewandelt: Selbst langjährige Befürworter einer bevorzugten Shareholder-Orientierung, wie der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Unternehmensberater Fredmund Malik (2011), halten mittlerweile eine einseitige Fokussierung auf Anteilseigner für einen Managementfehler. more[...]
In diesem Beitrag thematisieren wir die Verbesserung der Einbindung und Entwicklung der Gemeinschaft durch Unternehmen. Im Englischen spricht man hier auch von „Community Involvement“. more[...]
The landscape of business and enterprise policy is subject to almost unparalleled change. An ever-increasing majority of corporate and institutional management boards find themselves operating in a networked world of interests and opportunities for influence. In addition to primary stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, suppliers, and employees, secondary and tertiary stakeholder groups are increasingly making regulatory, social, political, and ethical demands on businesses. more[...]
Lobbyists paying elected representatives to place questions in the UK parliament. Arms manufacturers giving South African officials BMWs in exchange for armaments contracts. Smoke-filled back rooms featuring stuffed brown envelopes. No wonder lobbying has a bad name. But these are not images of lobbying: They depict corruption, albeit in a policymaking setting. These actions are morally suspect and usually illegal. They also contravene the UN Global Compact: Principle 10 requires the combating of corruption. In fact, lobbying is far more often about committee meetings, reports, and other unspectacular activities. Lobbying can be understood as the focused provision of relevant information, with the intention of influencing public policy or process. Corporate lobbying is not just important for companies; it helps create better public policies, and can therefore have real societal value, despite its bad press. more[...]
Multistakeholder initiatives such as the UN Global Compact organize their participants in specific ways. Most importantly, they have to bridge global (universal) principles and local (contextualized) implementation practices. Some initiatives have responded to this need by creating a nested network structure – that is, local networks that are embedded into a wider global “network of networks.” The UN Global Compact, for instance, has more than 100 local networks, which are connected through regional hubs, the Annual Local Network Forum, and interactions with the Global Compact Office. Stakeholder dialogue and collective action are emerging both within and among such networks. more[...]
Corporations can no longer easily control their public image by means of public relations and marketing. Clearly defined corporate reporting requirements, rigorous third-party monitoring processes, and multiple media resources of watchdog organizations help to shed light on actual business practices. The increased transparency with regard to corporate conduct has also enabled a larger and more diverse group of corporate stakeholders to voice opinions and formulate demands. In particular, large brand name companies in sensitive consumer goods industries (like food or textiles) are now constantly under public scrutiny. For corporations, this situation creates new management challenges. To ensure the social acceptance of their business (corporate legitimacy), heterogeneous and often contradictory stakeholder demands need to be managed. more[...]