The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. By doing so, business, as a primary agent driving globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere.

  • The Human Rights and Business Dilemma

    Verisk Maplecroft
    United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

    Human rights have traditionally been the concern of states, and international human rights law has generally been addressed to them only. As more companies come to realize their legal, moral, and/or commercial need to address human rights issues within their own operations and activities, they are confronted with a number of challenges. Businesses will have to come to grips with the human rights framework and assess how their activities may relate to it. Moreover, companies are often uncertain how to avoid complicity in human rights abuses and where, in practical terms, the boundaries of their human rights responsibility lie.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
  • Institutionalizing Global Governance – The Role of the United Nations Global Compact

    Prof. Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School
    Prof Dirk Ulrich Gilbert, University of Hamburg

    The United Nations Global Compact – which is a Global Public Policy Network advocating ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection, and anti-corruption – has turned into the world’s largest corporate responsibility initiative. Although the Global Compact is often characterized as a promising way to address global governance gaps, it remains largely unclear why this is the case. Andreas Rasche and Dirk Ulrich Gilbert discusses to what extent the initiative represents an institutional solution to exercise global governance.  more[...]

    The Author
  • The Global Compact 2000–2010

    Prof. Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School

    Over the last 10 years, the Global Compact has grown significantly, both in terms of the number of participants and their engagement. While only a handful of companies and NGOs met on July 26, 2000, at the UN Headquarters in New York to launch the Global Compact, today (as of February 2010) more than 7,300 business and non-business participants are part of the initiative.  more[...]

    The Author
    Prof. Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School 

People behind

By Editorial Team

The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. By doing so, business, as a primary driver of globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere.  more[...]

UN Gebäude-UN Photo/Mark Garten
People behind

Visiting the Global Compact Office

By Dr. Elmer Lenzen

When I went to New York in March 2009, it was during the peak of the banking crisis and the self-doubts of the investment sector. There was a prevailing certainty that one economic era had come to an end, but ambiguity as to how the new era would look. Some of these elements are being intensively discussed and developed at the Global Compact Office: It is about lasting nature, transparency, responsible merchants, and the respectful handling of our planet.  more[...]

People behind

Georg Kell about the Global Compact

By Georg Kell (United Nations Global Compact)

Since the very beginning, Georg Kell has been Executive Director of the Global Compact. Due to his ongoing fervour the Global Compact today is fully integrated into the UN system. We spoke with Georg Kell about the economic crisis, the search for new confidence, and the renaissance of politics and ethics. His message is clear: We have to reward sustainable business models. And we have to take climate change much more seriously, or the future might be rough.  more[...]


The Compact in the Regions

  • The UN Global Compact in the MENA Region

    Matthias Stausberg, United Nations Global Compact

    For a few years after the Global Compact’s launch in 2000, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) remained uncharted territory for the initiative. This changed in 2003, when the first efforts were undertaken to promote the Global Compact in Egypt. A high-level launch took place in Cairo in February 2004, resulting in the participation of more than 50 companies, including many of Egypt’s leading corporations.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Matthias Stausberg, United Nations Global Compact 
  • The UN Global Compact in Latin America – Trends and Topics

    Labor standards, human rights, environmental conservation, and transparency – the core issues of the United Nations Global Compact are especially vital in the developing economies. Latin America and the Caribbean are remarkable examples. “El Pacto Mundial en América Latina y el Caribe. Memorias 2011: Informe de Gestión,” a publication of the Global Compact Regional Center, gives a detailed view on the present situation of the Global Compact in Latin America and the Caribbean.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
  • The Global Compact in the Emirates

    Habiba Al Marashi, Emirates Environmental Group (EEG)

    In just 20 years, the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have transformed themselves from deeply traditional nations that depended largely on oil revenues to booming metropolises with rapidly growing and diversified economies. The transformation – especially in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been staggering; once home to a small and tight knit society, the UAE today boasts over 202 different nationalities, making it one of the most diverse nations in the world.  more[...]

    The Author
    Habiba Al Marashi, Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) 

Tools & Instruments

Tools & Instruments
  • Differentiation Programme

    Editorial Team

    The Global Compact Differentiation Programme represents a new phase in the Global Compact transparency and disclosure policy, designed not only to improve transparency among smaller and less experienced participants, but also to stimulate continuous progress and performance improvement among the more advanced companies. The Programme is designed to provide incentives and recognition (based on self-assessment) for businesses at all levels to make meaningful progress towards a comprehensive implementation of the principles in governance, strategy and operations.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Editorial Team

One Decade UNGC - Performing Record

UNGC 10th Anniversary
  • United Nations Global Compact Milestones

    Matthias Stausberg, United Nations Global Compact
    Dr. Elmer Lenzen

    Following a call to action by then-UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the 1999 World Economic Forum in Davos, the operational phase of the UN Global Compact was launched on July 26, 2000, at UN Headquarters in New York.  more[...]

    The Author
  • UN Global Compact Milestones

    Dr. Elmer Lenzen

    Following a call to action by then-UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the 1999 World Economic Forum in Davos, the operational phase of the UN Global Compact was launched on July 26, 2000, at UN Headquarters in New York.  more[...]

    The Author
    Dr. Elmer Lenzen
  • The Global Compact at 10: Review and Outlook

    Georg Kell, United Nations Global Compact

    Looking back at the past 10 years, the United Nations Global Compact has left its mark in a variety of ways, helping shape the conversation about corporate responsibility and diffusing the concept of a principle-based approach to doing business across the glob  more[...]

    The Author
    Georg Kell, United Nations Global Compact 
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  • Comment by Johng804
    07:02 AM, October 17, 2014

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