Zur Webversion

30 October 2012

Food Crisis

Global Food Crisis

The world is facing a global food crisis. Since 2006 the average price for rice has increased by 217 percent and corn by 125 percent. The consequences of these price increases are dramatic: The lives of hundreds of mio. of people depend on affordable food prices. Are we entering a long-term and politically dangerous period with fewer resources than necessary to sustain a growing global population? In our latest edition of the CSR-Manager Newsletter we discuss the global food system and why these markets are so volatile. Key studies focus on the situation in Africa and Asia as well as the future of farming and land use. Viewpoints from international organizations and best practices complete this special edition.

Download the "Spotlight: Food Crisis" (PDF, 72 pages, 1,7 MB)


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About CSR-Manager.org


CSR-Manager.org is a new, advanced web presence with the aim to create a global overview of achievements in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and to build up capacities for comprehensive and sustainable management. The website offers proactive and in-depth information on key sustainability issues to stakeholders around the world, and promotes unique and comprehensive knowledge exchange and learning . The website is developed and fostered by the macondo Media Group, who is also publisher of the reknown UN Global Compact International Yearbooks.

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