Global Compact International Yearbook 2013
The technological expertise that the company has been cultivating for more than a century
is crucial to the security of people, goods, and information. Thales is therefore in a unique
position and has a particular responsibility to its stakeholders and to society at large.
From compliance…
A corporate responsibility policy is a
basic necessity for any company that
has made a commitment to sustainable
growth and recognizes the true role of
its stakeholders. For Thales, the primary
objective of a corporate responsibility
CR) policy is to ensure compliance not
only with a vast array of legal and regula-
tory requirements, but also with a grow-
ing number of standards, best practice
guidelines, and recommendations issued
by international organizations and civil
society. It is important to meet expecta-
tions of the public at large on a range
of environmental and social issues and
those of the society. By embracing these
new responsibilities, companies such
as Thales clearly benefit in terms of im-
age and reputation. By incorporating
practical prevention policies into their
risk-management processes, fraudulent
practices are also less likely to occur and
legal sanctions can be avoided. Compa-
nies with strict CR policies therefore
deliver better overall performance.
to a corporate global responsibility
focused on performance
As an international company, Thales
conducts its business in a strategic space
of global dimensions and growing com-
plexity. Thus, the Group has put in place
a proactive integrity policy and attaches
the utmost importance to ethical busi-
ness practices with respect to custom-
ers, suppliers, employees, shareholders,
financial markets, the environment, and
society at large.
Thales considers CR to be a strategic im-
perative for the Group, in that it opens
up opportunities for innovation, creates
competitive advantages, and contrib-
utes directly to the future success of the
company. This approach is supported
by a Group-wide Code of Ethics and
a dedicated organization in charge of
ensuring compliance with the principles
it sets forth.
A comprehensive training and aware-
ness policy is in place across the Group
to promote participation by all Thales
employees and foster a shared sense
of belonging that is anchored in the
concepts of ethics and responsibility.
Focusing on excellence and long-term
sustainability, this approach builds col-
lective intelligence on the basis of mutual
trust and respect. It forms a common vi-
sion of the issues Thales faces by sharing
meaningful information with others in
order to understand the risks involved
and to find innovative, proactive re-
sponses that stakeholders expect.
Driven by a common vision of the
Group’s business and its role in soci-
ety – and empowered by irreproach-
able ethical conduct – each employee
contributes actively and collectively to
the long-term sustainability and perfor-
mance of Thales.
Integrity, As a Core
Strategic Imperative!
By Dominique Lamoureux, Thales