"OECD defines Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) as an environmental policy approach in which a producer’s responsibility for a product is extended to the post-consumer stage of a product’s life cycle. An EPR policy is characterised by: (1) the shifting of responsibility (physically and/or economically; fully or partially) upstream toward the producer and away from municipalities; and (2) the provision of incentives to producers to take into account environmental considerations when designing their products. While other policy instruments tend to target a single point in the chain, EPR seeks to integrate signals related to the environmental characteristics of products and production processes throughout the product chain." Source: OECD
Tourismus und Nachhaltigkeit
Wer macht nicht gerne Urlaub in fremden Ländern, vielleicht in der Karibik?
Der Tourismus ist für viele Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor. Gleichzeitig bringt er häufig einige Probleme mit sich, z.B. Umweltverschmutzung, Abhängigkeiten und kulturelle Verödung. Aber wie genau sind die Zusammenhänge im Tourismussektor- was sind Vor- und Nachteile? Und wie könnte ein nachhaltiger Tourismus aussehen?
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Fleisch und Nachhaltigkeit
Jeder Deutsche konsumiert im Schnitt knapp 90 Kg Fleisch pro Jahr. Das ist zu viel und in vielerlei Hinsicht problematisch. Flächenverbrauch, Welternährung, Klimawandel, Tierrechte, Umweltverschmutzung, Gesundheit- die industrielle Produktion von Fleisch ist in vielen Bereichen nicht nachhaltig.
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Smartphones und Nachhaltigkeit
Smartphones von Herstellern wie Apple, Samsung oder HTC gehören mittlerweile zu den wichtigsten Konsum- und Lifestylegütern. Gleichzeitig gibt es bei der Produktion eine ganze Reihe von Problemen, z.B. im Bereich des Arbeits- und Umweltschutzes.
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Smartphones and Sustainability
Smartphones from companies such as Apple, Samsung or HTC are among the most popular consumer and lifestyle products today. Unfortunately a whole series of problems occur during the global production process, ranging from bad working conditions to environmental pollution.
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This year may have lacked the huge catastrophes that have dominated the corporate responsibility headlines of the last couple of years (such as BP's oil spill in 2010 or TEPCO's nuclear disaster at Fukushima in 2011), but 2012 has probably been more packed with serious incidents than any of the previous years. We had real trouble putting these in any kind of order and even getting down to just a top 10 of big stories was tough - and meant we had to jettison a few favoured good news stories about corporate responsibility just to be able to capture all of the bad news. So it nearly became the Top 15 Corporate Irresponsibility Stories of 2012. But in keeping with tradition, here's our view of the top 10 of the highlights and lowlights of a jam-packed year of corporate responsibility stories. And if you think we've got it wrong, or want to change up the order a bit, let us know your thoughts in the poll to the right.
A new Certification Standards Board has been created by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute to oversee the ongoing development of the Cradle to Cradle product certification protocol. The board’s responsibility for Cradle to Cradle product certification represents an important step toward transparency for the certification process and independent third-party verification of the protocol, developed over the past 20 years by William McDonough and Dr. Michael Braungart in collaboration with some of the world’s top brands.
Stakeholders present companies with very different challenges. The MAN Group responds by inviting stakeholders to communicate their expectations and opinions. To this end, MAN conducts systemized surveys every year and discusses specific issues with selected stakeholders. As customers represent a very important stakeholder group for MAN and also have a major influence on whether efficient products are used, they are central to our corporate responsibility activities. In 2012 we further intensified our dialog with customers at the two leading trade fairs for our industry: IAA Commercial Vehicles and the SMM maritime trade fair. more[...]
In the 33 years since the world’s first eco-label appeared (Germany’s Blue Angel), these labels have proliferated. The Ecolabel Index currently lists 377 schemes in 211 countries and 25 industry sectors. A number of trends indicate it is time to take a closer look: Civil society continues to pressure business to take responsibility for supply chain performance. more[...]
Title | Company | Year | Related tags |
Waste and Materials 2013 | Barrick | 2012 | Waste Management |
Emissions, effluents and waste | Outokumpu | 2011 | Waste Management, Effluents |
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