For much of the last decade, globalization was a leading issue of public policy debate, and global core labor standards (CLS) were the lead demand of critics of globalization. Now, with the world economy stuck in the deepest economic recession since the 1930s, attention to globalization and the need for labor standards has waned as people have become more concerned about jobs and economic recovery.
Topics coming soon:
Employment / Labor-Management Relations
Occupational Health and Safety
Training and Education
Heute stellen wir eine Checkliste zum Thema Arbeitsbedingungen zur Verfügung. Arbeitsbedingungen lassen sich definieren als alle arbeitsbezogenen Strategien und Tätigkeiten, die innerhalb oder im Auftrag von einer Organisation implementiert und ausgeführt werden (ISO 26000). more[...]
Improvement in labor market conditions has been the main explanation behind many of the poverty success stories observed in the last decade – that is the primary conclusion of an analysis of changes in poverty by income source. Changes in labor earnings were the largest contributor to poverty reduction for a sample of 16 countries where poverty increased substantially. more[...]
Capturing the Gains research into the global production of mobile phones traces the connections between armed factions, poverty and violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and mobile phone users worldwide. The critical link is coltan, or columbite tantalite. It is the raw material for tantalum, an essential mineral in the manufacture of mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment.
As an inquiry begins into the fatal August shooting of dozens of striking miners in South Africa, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has called for high-level social dialogue in order to prevent further violence and unrest.
For much of the last decade, globalization was a leading issue of public policy debate, and global core labor standards (CLS) were the lead demand of critics of globalization. Now, with the world economy stuck in the deepest economic recession since the 1930s, attention to globalization and the need for labor standards has waned as people have become more concerned about jobs and economic recovery.
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