Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be understood as a management concept that integrates economical, social and environmental aspects in business operations and their way of exchange with its stakeholders. The objective of this course is to introduce the the concept of CSR, defining terms and definitions.
Die Welt wird immer vernetzter. Das Phänomen der Globalisierung verändert weltweit wie die Menschen leben, konsumieren und arbeiten. Inzwischen sind viele wirtschaftliche, politische, kulturelle oder ökologische Zusammenhänge kaum noch aus einer nationalen Perspektive zu verstehen. Gleichzeitig ist eine Debatte um die Folgen der Globalisierung entbrannt. Aber was sind die wesentlichen Ursachen für die Globalisierung? In welchen Bereichen wirkt sie besonders stark? Und wer profitiert von ihr am meisten?
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Der weltweite Handel mit Waren und Dienstleistungen ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten rasant gewachsen.
Aber wie ist dieses Welthandelssystem ausgestaltet? Und können Industrie- und Entwicklungsländer gleichermaßen profitieren?
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Quelle & Lizenz CC-BY-SA
The world is becoming more and more interconnected. Globalization changes how people consume, work and live almost everywhere on the world. Today, many economic, political, cultural or ecological relationships are not explainable from a national perspective. But what are the main causes for globalization? In what areas it is most prominent? And who are the winners and looser of globalization?
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Source & Licence CC-BY-SA
Pricey Bargains
Vereinte Nationen
Klimawandel, Pandemien, Armut- Die Vereinten Nationen (UNO) beschäftigen sich nicht nur mit Krieg und Frieden. Dieser Clip erklärt die Entstehung, den Aufbau, die Arbeit und die Probleme der UNO.
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Source & Licence CC-BY-SA
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become firmly established in the business lexicon. Although some conversation partners still need to be reminded of what CSR really is and why it is important, most of them understand its value by now. Indeed, this leads to many different expectations for CSR, such that discussions around it today are shifting toward putting limits on the term and creating rules around it. Where does CSR begin? Where does it end? more[...]
Innovation is not just about technological change. Business model innovation is important, too, and there is increasing adoption among small entrepreneurial and large multinational firms of alternative business models that support a value proposition aligned with sustainable goals. more[...]
"Responsible Investment, an area particularly popular among institutional investors and currently the most connected to the mainstream financial community. Responsible investors take into consideration the long-term influence of extra-financial factors such as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues in their investment decision-making." Source: European SRI Study 2010 more[...]
I think what has changed dramatically since those words were first written are two fundamental realities. One is the media-based interconnectivity in the world. It was so much easier in previous centuries and previous generations to disregard the complexities, the pain, the sufferings, and even the disasters that affect other parts of the world.
Success and failure are relative, of course, reflecting initial expectations and ambitions. In coining terms like “environmental excellence” (1984), “green consumer” (1986), or “triple bottom line” (1994), I was simply trying to help us all expand our minds for new possibilities.
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